26 January 2014

2013 My Latest Camino Walks

Its about time that I updated my Camino Blog. At the age of seventy in 2010,  I undertook my 1000 mile (1600km) camino walk from Le Puy In France to Santiago de Compostela. Little did I know what lay ahead of me. A complete novice at long distance walking, I had only started serious walking in October 2008. So starting out from Le Puy on this epic walk, which would lead me to Lectoure, and from there to be repatriated home with an injured back, and to an operation on my back.
But undaunted I returned to Lectoure in 2011 and completed my walk into Santiago in 2012

So in 2013 I planned to do 5 Pilgrimages. One to Fatima,I got a bus from Lisbon to Fatima, where I had Mass and Communion. From there I got another bus to Coimbra and started my second Pilgrimage, and first Camino walking on 13th. September and arrived in Santiago de Compostela on 29th. September. After collecting my First Compostela I headed to Santiago and met a group of friends and went by car to Ourense and went on my third Pilgrimage and my second Camino and after 5 days walking arrived in Santiago for the second time , and collected my second Compostela.
Next day with Pilar, my amazing Spanish friend, 3 days walking to Finistera, my fourth Pilgrimage, and third Camino. Finally, one more Pilgrimage  walking to Muxia to collect my fourth Compostela. In all 5 Pilgrimages and  4 Caminos, collecting 4 Compostelas during the months of September/October.

Details of all these Caminos , and the wonderful people that I met , will follow in my next Posts.

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